Saturday, December 18, 2004

A Blog is Bord^Hn

Some of my dear readers may recall the very first and real computer "blog," Jerry Pournelle's wonderful Byte Magazine column "Chaos Manor." Yes, Pournelle's still at it and you can find his ongoing journals at I wonder if the guy's still typing on his old Kaypro.

This post will have to serve as a quick intro: I run a digital media lab at a small charter school in Texas. Along with teaching 4 different curricula (Video Tech, Digital Graphics, Computer Science and Computer Literacy - the 11 year olds) I'm also the LAN admin. So along with helping mold the minds of 90 youth, I'm (ir)responsible for 50 PC's (18 in my lab), 2 Linux servers (soon to be more... heaven help me), a small 4-port router, and myriad and sundry other gadgets like errant laptop power supplies, video cameras, scanners and Lexxie the laser printer (both nemesis and loyal servant).

I took the teaching job three months ago, hitting the ground running. Or so I had planned. On my 12th day on the job the whole LAN melted down from a viral infection of IRC bots.

I've been leaving skidmarks ever since.




At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see that Jerry's still at it. I do find it odd that Pournelle has let his musings digress into the political. I don't disagree with Jerry's slant, but it seems off-topic and detracts from the SOHO camraderie. -- Joe


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